The term ‘GEMBA’ means ‘The Real Place’ which is developed by Taichi Onho a Toyota engineer and leader. GEMBA Walk means the leaders left the office and go out to see how things in the operational site are done. The aim of the GEMBA Walk is to examine the current particular process by observing it in action at the workplace.

In Baiduri Dimensi, our aim for GEMBA Walk is to focus on continuous improvement of the safety. This is in line with our group values No.4 and No. 5 which is continuous improvement and safety first. Besides that, our aim is to improve conditions, process and instruction for all employees.

This GEMBA Walk is planned to be conducted on monthly basis at each different work locations gathering all HOD’s from different departments to join this Safety GEMBA Walk together with the Safety Department. Through this walk, we could gather opinions and recommendations from the different departments and discuss either it is suitable to be implemented at specific work areas.

Our first GEMBA Walk for this year was held on 19th February 2019 and first work areas that have been visited were Workshop areas and our BD6 Warehouse.