1st Safety GEMBA Walk 2019
The term ‘GEMBA’ means ‘The Real Place’ which is developed by Taichi Onho a Toyota engineer and leader. GEMBA Walk means the leaders left the office and go out to see how things in the operational…
The term ‘GEMBA’ means ‘The Real Place’ which is developed by Taichi Onho a Toyota engineer and leader. GEMBA Walk means the leaders left the office and go out to see how things in the operational…
Gotong royong to support the implementation of Workplace Quality System (5S) was held on 26th January 2019, involving BDJ Office Member. BDJSB 5S TEAMcubic after 5Smeeting room after 5Soffice room…
PELABUHAN KLANG, 3 OKT: Kegigihan syarikat pelabuhan dan logistik, Baiduri Dimensi Sdn Bhd menempuh pelbagai cabaran bagi mengembangkan perniagaan wajar dicontohi usahawan lain. Dato’ Menteri Besar,…
KLANG – Impian sebuah syarikat perkhidmatan pelabuhan dan logistik Bumiputera, Baiduri Dimensi Sdn Bhd untuk memiliki gudang berkeluasan sejuta kaki persegi bakal terlaksana tidak lama lagi. Pengarah…